go to the movies

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go to the movies

英 [ɡəu tu: ðə ˈmu:vɪz]

美 [ɡo tu ði ˈmuvɪz]

go to the movies基本解释



  • 网络解释

1. 去看电影:on weekends 在周末 | go to the movies 去看电影 | watch TV 看电视

2. 看电影:cook the chicken 烹饪鸡 | go to the movies 看电影 | drive bumper cars 开碰碰车

3. go to the movies什么意思

3. 看:cook the chicken 烹饪鸡 | go to the movies 看*** | drive bumper cars 开碰碰车

4. 去电影院:A. watch TV 看电视 | go to the movies去电影院 | go shopping去购物

  • 临近词
Who will you go to the movies with?(你将和谁一起去看电影?)
Can you go to the movies with me?(你能和我一起去看电影吗?)
Could I go to the movies tonight?(今晚我可以去看电影吗?)
We go to the movies. She loves talking about movies.(我们一起去电影院,她也喜欢聊电影。)
If time allows, I'd like to go to the movies with you when I come back.(如果时间允许的话,我想回来的时候和你一起去看电影。)
Would you like to go to the movies with me tonight?(你愿意今天晚上和我一起去看电影吗?)
Hey, what do you say you and I go to the movies this afternoon?(对了,今天下午我俩去看电影如何?)
Do you often go to the movies?(你经常去看电影吗?)
Go to the movies.(去看电影。)
A: I play golf, go to the movies and travel.(我打高尔夫,看电影,旅游。)
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